Stuart Siu

Concert Band Conductor

Stuart Siu is the Head of Music at Markham District High School, located in Markham. Prior to his tenure there, Stuart led the Regional Secondary Arts Music Program at Huron Heights Secondary School. He is the recipient of the 2023 Conducting Award at the Ontario Band Association’s (OBA) Provincial Band Festival, and 2021 Early Band Director Award. Under his direction, his ensembles have earned numerous accolades at the OBA Provincial Band Festival.

Stuart is a graduate of the University of Toronto, both at the Faculty of Music where he studied music education and trombone (with Jeffrey Hall and Megan Hodge), and at OISE. He studied conducting under Dr. Gillian Mackay and Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds.

Stuart is a founding member of Markham Winds, an organization in Markham where they aim to serve their community by providing ensemble-based music education opportunities for children and adults.

Outside of music, Stuart is an avid triathlete competing in races all across Ontario! He fuels his training with copious amounts of bubble tea (no sugar, less ice). Once upon a time, he and his amazing wife, Eirwen, ran an incredibly mediocre food page on Instagram. Today, you’ll find them cycling to nearby destinations for snack breaks.

Stuart can’t wait to work with the Concert Band again this year!